
Hey there, y’all! I’m Marcella Corum, your friendly Tennessee gal, kickin’ it in North Alabama with my firefighter hubby. Guess what? We’re living the dream on our amazing 40-acre farm, right next door to the Wheeler Wildlife Refuge. Yep, it’s a slice of heaven!

The story starts back in 2015 when we built our cozy farmhouse right here on the farm. But that’s not where the adventure ends – oh no! I decided to dive headfirst into a whole new world by opening up a Horse Boarding facility. Horses, land, and a big ol’ love for animals? We had it all covered! Our crew grew to include not just the four-legged variety, but also some cluckin’ chickens, quacky ducks, and adorable Boer goats. And let’s not forget our trusty sidekicks: Piper, a Golden Retriever, and Saylor, the magnificent Great Pyrenees.

But that’s not all, folks! As we were building and designing our own sweet digs, a lightbulb went off. Could my obsession with home decor become a legit way of life? With my hubby’s thumbs-up, the Back Forty Market was born! Starting with a teensy booth in Downtown Decatur, things got a bit wild – before I knew it, we were road-trippin’ to barn sales and vintage markets all over the southeast. Heck, we even hit up places like Illinois and Indiana! Meeting folks at these markets? Total blast. And scouring for vintage treasures? It’s like a treasure hunt that never ends.

So, a big ol’ thank you for hangin’ out here with us. And don’t forget to mosey on over to my blog – it’s a peek into the life of someone who’s Living a Blessed Life.

Y’all take care now!

Hugs and high-fives,
Marcella Corum

dad and marcella

"I have a beautiful handmade barn wood piece that had flowing greenery hanging from it that was made by Marcella for my husband and I’s wedding. At the wedding we hung Polaroid pictures on the greenery as a guest book. It ended up being so perfect it is now hanging in our dining room!! Marcella has excellent taste and her things are beautiful! I’m so excited to see everything at the Barn Pickin’ 💕💕💕"

Rachel McGuire Fuller

"Highly recommend this event! The last barn picking we went to there had tons of really neat stuff. If we had the room in the car I might have bought more!!!"

Krista McCleskey

"Pretty place."

Dakota Meadows

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